Must Read Books to Snuggle Up With This November
Collective Ink
Autumn Reading ~ November 2021~ Hot NEW releases
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American Turning Point - Repairing and Restoring Our Constitutional Republic
With our democracy at risk, we the people need to define the rules, "Citizen Rules", for how we are governed to serve the national interest.
American Democracy is at a Turning Point
Most of the American people believe our government is on the wrong track, is broken, and is not capable of solving our major problems. Our national leaders have for too long made the rules for how we are governed for the benefit of their careers and re-election, primarily serving partisan and donor interests instead of serving the country. This book will present fact-based, unbiased and non-partisan actions that "We the People" can take to restore a service-to-country culture in Congress and the Administration.
Bringing God Up to Date
What people around the world believe about God will determine our future.
Religion is an essential part of our humanity. We all follow some form of religion, in the original meaning of the word. But organized religion establishes definitions, boundaries and hierarchies which the founders would be amazed by. This is perhaps more true of Christianity than most other religions, due to the short life of Jesus, his sudden death, the lack of any contemporary records. His teaching about the kingdom of God is great; it could see us through our time on earth. But his followers watered it down and soon lost it altogether. It became a kingdom in heaven for the few, rather than one here and now for everyone.
The Church, or Churches, that resulted became increasingly irrelevant, even a hindrance, to seeing it realized. Many will always find security and truth in the traditions that developed, and good for them. But for those who can't, for those who have given up on religion or never thought it worth considering, the original teachings are worth another look. If we could recover them and live by them, we could change ourselves and the world for the better. We could bring God up to date.
Church Going Gone
Serious and humorous biography of an English priest that will fascinate many, many more people than actually go to church
In this colourful memoir, from 1950’s childhood to the COVID crisis, Brian Mountford describes his life as a priest, which has spanned a period of immense social change and seen the secularisation of Britain to the point where 52% of the population say they have ‘no religion’. Opening with a vibrant account of London in the Sixties, he moves to Cambridge college life in the Seventies, Suburbia in the Eighties, and thirty years as Vicar of the ‘most visited parish church in England’, the University Church, Oxford. Rich in humour and anecdote, he unpacks his liberal theological ideas on the way, addressing questions such as God, the meaning of life, sexual ethics, and the relationship between doubt and faith. A central idea is that the abandonment of organised religion has not eradicated spiritual questioning and, following Philip Larkin’s poem Church Going, from which the book takes its title, people of all ages are forever ‘surprising/A hunger in (themselves) to be more serious.’
Both the story and the essay content will fascinate many, many more people than actually go to church.
The Deceptive Brain
We are not whom we seem to be. Not even close.
Preposterous as it sounds, we are not who we seem to be.
Not even close. At the heart of this misperception is our deep-seated conviction of free choice. Based on emerging neurobehavioral science findings, The Deceptive Brain makes the case for human experience as a narrative illusion—an executive summary of sorts—that emerges from an incredibly complex brain.
The Deceptive Brain drills down on what this finding means for the way we blame and punish, and presents a bold alternative approach to criminal justice based on blameless responsibility.
Earth is a School
An examination of the material world as a spiritual school, specifically tailored to develop consciousness.
Earth is a School presents the case for the material world as a spiritual school, specifically tailored to develop consciousness and bring the human soul closer to recognition of its divine source. William Willdblood discusses how our planet serves as a training ground for the soul, with particular reference to the present time as one of decision and a kind of end of term examination.
It can be hard to discern spiritual purpose behind the upheavals in many areas of contemporary life, but it is there if one knows how to look.
Earth Spirit: Ancient Wisdom, Modern Hope
It is time to listen to the voices of wisdom from our collective past before it is too late.
For 14,000 years, the Indigenous people of Southern New England survived and thrived despite experiencing extreme and dramatic climate and environmental changes. Like our present and near future, they faced dramatically warming temperatures that brought about a radical transformation in the climate, ecology, and biodiversity of their environment.
Why were they successful? Despite enormous environmental challenges, they adapted and prospered because of their perception of and conscious relationship with every single living and non-animate element within their environment. Unlike our current society which views humanity as separate from nature and therefore free to exploit all of creation for our benefit, Indigenous people understood deeply that we humans are part of a web of interconnected and interdependent energy and consciousness within a Living Earth. They lived in spiritual harmony with all of creation honoring all its aspects with gratitude and a sense of reciprocity.
If we embrace the perceptive and consciously interconnected view of all creation that has sustained Indigenous people for thousands of years, we can begin a transformation that will heal our relationship with the Living Earth for ourselves and future generations. The future of life on the planet is up to us.
Earth Spirit: Confronting the Crisis
Living the wisdom of restorative Earth Spirituality.
If the human species has an evolutionary purpose that purpose is delight. Aren’t we constituted to experience and express conscious delight in the immensity and intimacy of creation, the diversity, abundance, and miracles of life? We have moved far from such purpose. Instead of imagination’s dreamers with the Earth, maturing into avatars of relationships, narrators of wonder, we are now a clear and present danger to all species. How do we change identity, direction, and move toward a future inclusive of Earth stability and Human responsibility?
Empathy for the Devil
Yet again Hyde plunges into sex, psychedelics, hurricanes and heroes on a quest for the truth at all costs...
In this three part book Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll, Hyde yet again plunges into sex, psychedelics, hurricanes and heroes on a quest for the truth at all costs, exploring issues of paedophilia, plant medicine, and community through narrative.
Practically Pagan - An Alternative Guide to Gardening
Sharing 40 years of experience in the garden to help people live in a way that helps the planet
Practically Pagan - An Alternative Guide to Gardening takes the spooky out of alternative and keeps the magic. Elen Sentier brings together, and expands on, recent scientific discoveries, and shows how close they are to the old ways that were labelled as superstition in the 20th century. Sentier's writing is accessible and opens up the down-to-earth practicalism of pagans as people of the land to all, for that's what the word pagan means, 'of the land'. Sentier doesn't preach or proselytise folk to become pagan, but brings to light how you've been thinking this way for years.
Elen Sentier is a best-selling author of British native shamanism. She also writes paranormal mystery-suspense novels. She’s a wilderness woman, born on Dartmoor and grew up on Exmoor in a family who had practiced the old British magic for hundreds of years. Her books include Pagan Portals - Merlin: Once and Future Wizard (Moon Books, 2016), and Gardening with the Moon & Stars (Moon Books, 2015).
Selected Letters
Hagger’s letters to a mixture of well-known and unknown correspondents about his innovatory literary, philosophical and historical works, with many aids to interpretation.
Nicholas Hagger’s literary, philosophical, historical and political writings are innovatory. He has set out a new approach to literature that combines Romantic and Classical outlooks in a substantial literary oeuvre of 2,000 poems including over 300 classical odes, two poetic epics, five verse plays, three masques, two travelogues and 1,200 stories. He has created a new philosophy of Universalism that focuses on the unity of the universe and humankind and the interconnectedness of all disciplines, and challenges modern philosophy. He has presented an original historical view of the rise and fall of civilisations, and proposed - and detailed - a limited democratic World State with the power to abolish war and solve all the world’s problems.
Selected Letters draws together those of his letters (written over 60 years) that aid the interpretation and elucidation of his works. Many of his correspondents are well-known figures within literature, philosophy, history and international politics, and Hagger is in the footsteps of Alexander Pope in editing his own letters, which are in the tradition of Pope, Wordsworth, Keats, T.E. Lawrence, Ezra Pound and Ted Hughes (one of his correspondents). They throw light on all aspects of Hagger’s vast output, and are required reading for all interested in following the growth of his Universalism, his literary development and his innovatory approach to universal truth.
Spirit Life & Science
This book offers an unprecedented scientific approach to show the reader how anyone has the potential to develop astounding capabilities by understanding their natural spiritual gifts.
Laid Bare: What the Business Leader Learnt From the Stripper
The naked truth about building a transparent organisation and leadership of the future.
Paulina Tenner presents a unique perspective on emergent social change in the world of work, and a method to achieve a balance of wholeness and profitability in a commercial organisation. As the #metoo movement has swept over the globe, it’s time to begin a discussion of how feminine and masculine principles can be integrated together safely, in organisations of all kinds, and in commercial organisations in particular. This books begins that conversation.
Your Essential Autumn Reading List is Here!
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