Robert Levy
Robert Levy began climbing the shamanic mountain in 1995, attending workshops and learning from such western shamans as Michael Harner, John Perkins, Llyn Roberts, Dr. Eve Bruce, Tom Cowan, Alberto Villoldo, John Matthews and Robert Moss to name a few.
Once his shamanic foundation was solid, he studied with indigenous shamans Ipupiara Makunaiman from the Ure-e-wau-wau tribe of Brazil and his wife, Peruvian shaman Claicha Toscano. It was they who first named him Shaman. His shamanic healings are based on the knowledge those teachers shared with him. His shamanic practice included shamanic healing, Reiki healings, both traditional and shamanic, cleansings, and shamanic counseling
He was a co-founder of the New York Shamanic Circle and that circle has become one of the most important shamanic communities in New York City. While an active member, he sponsored several workshops with Tom Cowan, as well as working with other western and indigenous shamans who gave workshops sponsored by the NY Shamanic Circle. Additionally, he assisted John Perkins, Llyn Roberts and Dr. Eve Bruce in their workshops given at Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY and West Palm Beach, FL. He also assisted them at the Dream Change/Omega 'Gathering of Wisdom Keepers' for many years.
His publishing history includes:
Shamanic Reiki: Expanded Ways of Working with Universal Life Force Energy. (Co-authored with Llyn Roberts) Published by Moon Books (Imprint of John Hunt Publishing Co.) 2008
Shamanism: The Book of Journeys. (Co-authored with Dr. Eve Bruce) Published by Moon Books, 2010
Reiki: Empowered By It, Embraced By It, Claimed By It. Published by Ayni Books 2013.
Shamanism for Teenagers, Young Adults and the Young at Heart, Shamanic practice made easy for the newest generations, Published by Soul Rocks, 2014
Robert has been a Reiki Master since 1996 and began teaching Reiki in 2001. He is a nontraditional Reiki Master, though he was trained in the Usui tradition. He chooses to empower people in his Reiki workshops by encouraging them to believe - and know in their hearts - that Reiki is an evolving modality and what each practitioner brings to Reiki is exactly what should be done at that time, in that place.
He combines, and also encourages his students to combine, Reiki with other healing modalities. Robert has been conducting Reiki Workshop in all three levels of Reiki, as well as both traditional and/or Shamanic Reiki sessions for over a decade.
Robert can be reached at [email protected]. He currently lives with his wife in Forest Hills, New York.
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