Michael D Hutchinson

Michael D Hutchinson

Michael is a retired scientist with a long-standing parallel involvement in an ancient yoga tradition. Among the many styles of yoga taught in the world today, this tradition, led for many years by Sri TKV Desikachar, was the first to emphasise working with the breath. A long-time follower of Desikachar, Michael’s experience and understanding of breathwork is outstanding, even within this tradition. This means he is uniquely placed in the UK as a leading teacher of remedial breathwork. Michael is a Senior Adviser to the Society of Yoga Practitioners whose parent institution in India (the KYM) was founded by Desikachar. The KYM, which Michael has visited and studied at many times, is an immense reservoir of understanding in yoga therapy, is recognised locally as a healthcare provider and is one of India’s leading yoga institutions. Michael's experience of practicing and teaching yoga breathing goes back 35 years, during which time he led two teacher-training courses, taught at the European Yoga Congress and featured at four World Yoga Festivals. As well as weekly classes and teaching private students, Michael has also taught over fifty day-seminars and led over twenty residential yoga weekends. Michael's scientific background (he is a Fellow of the UK Institute of Physics) has enabled him to draw on recent research into physiology breathing and speak to leading researchers. His teaching experience means he can translate this scientific understanding into clear accessible explanations. These include unique insights into the human breathing cycle and its physiological needs, as well as the psychological potential of breathwork. Michael is currently Chair of the British Council for Yoga Therapy www.bcyt.org. He lives with his wife on the edge of a quiet village in Hampshire, UK and his other interests include gardening, poetry and travel.

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