Diana Durham
Diana is a writer, poet and documentary film producer who, following a degree in English Literature from University College, London, took the ‘path less travelled’ and became involved in intentional community in England, the United States and Canada. In the early 1990's she was among a grouping who began to explore dialogue and collective intelligence with the late theoretical physicist David Bohm. Those initial conversations became the book: ‘Unfolding Meaning: A weekend of conversation with David Bohm’ (Foundation House Publications, edited by Don Factor and Peter Garrett). Out of these experiences Diana began a deep inquiry into the possibility that our current ecological crises are reflections of a prevailing dysfunctional sense of identity and consciousness in us as human beings.
These ideas are explored in her first novel, ‘The Curve of the Land’ published by Skylight Press, as well as in her first non-fiction book, 'The Return of King Arthur: finishing the quest for wholeness' (Tarcher/Penguin), coming to focus on the figure of the Wounded King and the Wasteland Kingdom. Diana is also the author of three poetry books, 'Sea of Glass' published by the Diamond Press, London; 'To the End of the Night' from Northwoods Press, Maine, winner of their annual competition and ‘Between Two Worlds,‘ a collection of sonnets from Chrysalis Poetry, UK.
In all her work, including her poetry, Durham draws on both archetype and the numinous presence of the natural world to explore why our deeper identity is the root of creativity and the visionary power of imagination. Both, Durham believes, are essential forces in the renewal of culture.
Diana’s poems have also appeared in numerous magazines in the UK and USA, including 'Orbis', 'Tears in the Fence' and ‘Kindred Spirit’.
Diana spent time as a Visiting Research Associate at the Womens’ Studies Research Center, Brandeis University, MA in 2011. She is also trained in the healing practice of Attunement. After twenty years living on the East coast of the US, Diana has recently moved back to the UK.
As well as writing books, she collaborates with her husband as writers and producers of documentary films. Their current project is a series of short films, 'Making Sense', featuring writers, psychologists and practical visionaries whose work opens up a new understanding of how our brain and powers of consciousness affect our lives and shape the wider culture.
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