Antra Getzoff

Antra Getzoff

Antra Getzoff, born and schooled in Latvia, has been a cryotherapy & wellness entrepreneur for more than 13 years out of her diverse career in business.

Like most cryotherapy afficionados, she first discovered the power of cold on her own body, finding stress relief, energy boost and sleep improvement in difficult times of running a 250-people company through the 2008 financial crisis.

In 2010, Antra accepted a challenge of moving to the United States to introduce whole body cryotherapy to the US market, thus becoming one of the industry pioneers in the country. Actively involved in every aspect of business development, she has helped hundreds of holistic wellness entrepreneurs build successful businesses through integrating all forms of cryotherapy with other nature-based health, recovery and beauty enhancing services.

In 2018, Antra founded the International Alliance for Cryotherapy Professionals (CryoProsUnited) – an industry-unifying resource and training platform and community that soon grew to several thousand members worldwide. Reborn into GetResultsCo, her company keeps educating cryotherapy providers and promoting the best practices in the industry. She is also a Vice-Chair of the Global Wellness Institute Cryotherapy Initiative.

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