Anne Geraghty
Anne worked as a Clinical Psychologist and worked with RD Laing. She went to the first Women's Liberation conference in Oxford in 1970 and wrote for the original Spare Rib. Many adventures later she began to look beyond the personal and the political for more spiritual understanding and travelled to India. There she met Osho and became his disciple. She ran workshops and courses all over the world on love, relationships and family dynamics and was director of Medina Rajneesh Healing Centre. She then set up and was director of the Amap Centre in London where, with a team of therapists, she ran Diploma Courses in Counselling, Group Dynamics and Psychodrama. She has written several books on love and the psycho-spiritual journey. All seemed fine and then her son, Tim Guest died suddenly in 2009. He was the author of several best sellers including a memoir of his childhood - My Life In Orange. Her old life died. She now lives with her husband and spiritual comrade of 35 years on a market garden with their bees, hens and dogs and runs courses on love and death.