27/03/20 | By Steve Burgess


By Steve Burgess

The examples of past lives make this a fascinating and incredible MUST READ! The Paranormal

Gary burst into my consulting-room like a man possessed. A bundle of anxiety and agitation, he sat opposite me and was hardly able to keep still. He exuded nervous energy, his hands were shaking, and tension was etched on his frowning face. His mouth twitched, and as he spoke, he spat words out frenetically, his eyes moving rapidly from side to side as he poured out his unhappiness to me. Aged only 27, his lifelong anxiety state had worsened so much over the past year that he was now unable to work. He had given his job up due to constant feelings of fear and panic, and he was now barely able to leave his house. His wife was despairing and frustrated as he had become phobic about going anywhere in public. His GP had prescribed anti-depressants which had not helped at all. He had tried numerous other therapies in a desperate attempt to break him out of his living nightmare. As he came to the end of his story, he looked me in the eyes and said: “You’re my last hope; please help me out of this madness.”

After a brief discussion, I guided Gary into a state of hypnotic relaxation, and as he lay relaxing in hypnosis, I asked his sub-conscious to take him to the root cause of the anxieties. Suddenly he began to shake and as he lay with his eyes closed in my reclining chair, his whole body was moving and jerking. His breathing quickened, his head moved from side to side, and he whispered loudly in a voice filled with fear - “They’re coming, they’re coming. Quickly, in here - hide, quickly, hide. Quiet – quiet - they’re here – quiet - stay down, stay down - quiet.” After a pause, his voice began to shake as it grew louder. “No, no, please - no. Don’t - don’t. Please don’t. No - please leave us alone. Please - not the children.” He began to cry and yell - “No, no please, leave them – no. Don’t hurt them, don’t hurt them.” Tears began to flow down his cheeks, his body shook, his face contorted with rage and terror as he began yelling at the top of his voice. “NO, NO, PLEASE - NOT THAT - DON’T KILL ME - NO.” His scream ended in mid-shout, as his arching body suddenly flopped back down into the chair and he lay like a limp rag doll, arms and legs splayed out, head back and mouth open. He lay perfectly still, quiet for a couple of minutes before I asked him what was happening now. “It’s over,” Gary said softly and stretched out his body in a relaxed way. “It’s calm, and I’m surrounded by bright light. I’m moving on now, and everything’s OK.” He smiled calmly and sighed. His agitation had gone, and he looked serene.

I asked him what he had just experienced. “Soldiers were coming for us - with guns. I was with my wife and children. We tried to hide, my family and me, but they found us. I think they were Nazis and they took us outside and shot us all. I was terrified and unable to protect my wife and kids. Maybe that’s why I’ve been frightened of going out of the house for so long. God, I felt it all, but what a release when I died - a wonderful feeling of calmness and peace. I’ve always had a terror of dying, but after that, I don’t think I’ll ever be afraid of death again.”

I brought him back out of trance. Gary’s anxiety state had gone as if by a miracle and it has not come back in the 22 years since our session together. Gary was able to get his life back and to function normally again in the world, something he had not been able to do for many years. Although not many past life regressions are as dramatic as Gary’s, his experience does demonstrate just how powerful and effective this type of therapy can be.

What is regression?

I’ve been working as a hypnotherapist for over 26 years and in that time have completed over 15,000 therapy sessions, many of which have been past life regression sessions.

Regression simply means going back in our minds to re-live memories of

Significant Emotional Events that have occurred earlier in this lifetime (usually childhood, at birth or in the womb before birth) or in previous lives. The client usually experiences the negative emotions that have been locked into the sub-conscious mind from these traumatic events and releases them, often by crying, shaking or even screaming in some cases. Some clients gain a greater understanding of why they have had problems by gaining the knowledge of the causes of their problems (which can include negative patterns and behaviours) and these insights can allow deep, long-lasting healing to occur. I’ve also used regression with people who appear to have had contact with or been abducted by Extra-Terrestrials.

I have seen so many incredible healings over the years and I’ve completed so many past life sessions that have eradicated my client’s problems that I firmly believe that Reincarnation Therapy should be regarded as a serious therapeutic discipline. The regression ‘model’ is that so many issues from which we suffer as human beings can stem from traumas or locked-in behaviour patterns from the past (from earlier in our present life, from previous lifetimes,

or from our ancestors’ lives). My experience from many thousands of regression sessions supports this viewpoint.

What can regression help with?

Let me list just a few of the problems that may have their roots in former lives:


Anxieties and panic attacks

Phobias and fears

Skin problems

Physical illnesses (including migraines, asthma and cancer)

Lack of confidence and self-worth

Sexual problems

Alcohol addiction and substance abuse

Weight issues

Behavioural problems

Smoking addiction


Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Relationship challenges


And many more too numerous to mention. The list is almost endless, but all significant 21st century ailments which inhibit us and which stop us from living our lives freely, joyfully and with a sense of inner peace could stem from events in previous lives.

Basically, many symptoms we have that usually end up with a trip to the GP have underlying emotional causes. My work as a Therapist generally consists of finding and releasing the underlying emotion that has been locked in as a result of past traumas and then the issue, or symptom, can heal or be reduced. Release the emotional driver that is fuelling the problem and then the energy goes out of it and the problem ceases to exist. It really is that simple. Reincarnation therapy is ‘Cause and Effect’ Therapy. This means that when we uncover the cause of an emotional problem whatever is supporting the behaviour collapses and the effect (ie the issue we are working on) is healed.

Quite often it is the death in the past life that is causing the problem, especially if the death was traumatic. Although the thought of experiencing a past life death sounds unpleasant, the actual re-living of it is generally a wonderful catharsis that clears the issues fully and permanently.

Here are just a few examples from my casebook, written in much more depth in my forth-coming book ‘The Power of Past Life Regression’:

Weight issue

Lisa had considerable problem with over-eating. She was excessively overweight and completely out of control with her eating habits. She regressed back into a former life where she starved to death. Once she had gone through the death and released it her eating habits became normal again and she started to lose weight.

Sexual issue

Mary was a married woman who struggled to enjoy sex with her husband. As a result their marriage was floundering. We discovered that in a past life in Victorian England she had been a prostitute working in Liverpool’s dockland. Once we released the negative connections around sex that came from that past life her dislike of sex faded and she is now happily married.


Many phobias come from previous lives. I have had several people with flying phobias who have found that in past lives they have died in warfare in which they have been pilots. One young student came to me with a needle phobia which was stopping him from having dental surgery, as he freaked out when the dentist came to inject him. The last time he had even punched the dentist as the needle got close to his face! In two past lives he had been executed, in one by having his throat slit and the other by having his throat slit. He was able to undergo major dental surgery a few days later.

Physical issue

Toni came to me with a combination of issues, each of which fed into each other. An intelligent 42 year old, she felt depressed, was overweight and had a severe back problem that caused her constant pain. As a result of the pain Toni was unable to go to the gym, she was depressed because of the constant pain, and she was over-eating because of the feelings of depression. As she ate more she put on more weight which made her more depressed and her low mood made it harder to put up with the back pain; a cycle of unhappiness that Toni was finding it hard to cope with. She had had surgery for the back problem but the surgeons could not find anything wrong and had merely discharged her and told her to live with the pain. She had undergone many physiotherapy sessions and the frustration of sundry appointments with her doctors but nothing had helped, and she felt forlorn and hopeless about her future.

We found that four of her past lives were causing the back problem and the pain, the most significant one was as a Nazi soldier fighting on the Eastern Front in WWII. She was shot and killed by a Russian sniper. Guess where the bullet went? Straight through her lower back, in exactly the same place where she experiencing the problem in this life.

As a result, her back problem and the pain completely cleared up, as if by a miracle. She was able to resume a normal, pain-free life, to start exercising and lose her excess weight.

Relationship issue

Alan was obsessively insecure about his girlfriend. He was insanely jealous and struggled to let her out of his sight. His jealousy and controlling behaviour was causing massive problems in the relationship and if he had carried on much longer she would have left him. We found out that in several previous lives she had betrayed him, leading to his death on two occasions. He released the emotions trapped in those past lives and was able to enjoy a normal, loving relationship with her.

Famous Past Lives

One of the myths about past life regression is that everyone claims to have been someone famous in a previous life. This is definitely not the case, as I have conducted thousands of regressions and in 99% of them my clients have been ordinary people, peasants, workers etc.

However, a few of my clients have been famous in their former lives, and in my book ‘Famous Past Lives’ (published by O Books) I write about a lady who came to me who appears to have been Queen Elizabeth I; another lady who was her elder sister Queen Mary (aka ‘Bloody Mary’); a man who was Titus Oates from the Scott of the Antarctic expedition; and most amazingly of all, a man who re-lived the life of Shakespeare. Although I was sceptical when they first went into the lives I was astounded by the historical detail which they gave whilst in trance, information which I had to verify in history books and which they could not have known in this lifetime before the regressions. Getting Queens Elizabeth and Mary to meet in this life after the sessions was fascinating – they both disliked each other intensely, feelings which had their origins in the previous lives 400 years earlier!

This is just a tiny sample of the fantastic effects of past life regression and past-life therapy. It has to be said that not all Hypnotherapists work in past lives, so if you’re considering undergoing a course of treatment, it’s worth contacting a few Therapists and talking to them to assess how they operate. I can wholeheartedly recommend it. It can really be a life-changing experience.




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