There are Six Stages of Transformation: Realize, Release, Rebound, Reinvent, Resurrect, and Respond.

05/04/19 | By ANGEL T CARLTON, MS

There are Six Stages of Transformation: Realize, Release, Rebound, Reinvent, Resurrect, and Respond.

The beauty in breaking down our transformational process is that you can see where you’ve been, where you are, and where you’re heading. Keep in mind that like everything in life, this is a cycle and is in constant motion. This is the same process every time a life change is experienced. You may be in the Reinventing phase one week and Realize phase the next. You may feel the oneness of the Resurrect stage one day, then swoop into Releasing stage. You are constantly experiencing at least one or all of these phases at any given time throughout your life and on multiple levels. Learning to manage the process is key. Think of it as a spiral staircase. Each step is another stage of transformation. Every step you take gets you closer to the next level of understanding. Enlightened perspectives and unexpected opportunities greet you at each level.

This is the personal approach to transformation, but how can knowing this information impact the world? The world has become a messy place, filled with violence, anger, and destruction. Many people ask me, “What can we do to change this? How will personal transformation create positive change in the world?”

Stage 1—REALIZE. Realize is the “aha” moment, a new realization about yourself and your relationship to life; a new and improved vision of who you are and what you expect out of life begins to develop; becoming self-aware of the change happening and your own personal evolution that is about to take place.

Stage 2—RELEASE. Release stage is when you begin releasing the external components of your life that no longer serve you, leaving behind the “emotional baggage” mostly caused by former relationships, disappointments, or upsets. Letting go of the unhealthy habits, patterns of thinking, and beliefs creates space for you to reinvent yourself.

Stage 3—REBOUND. Rebound is the phase in which you nurture your mind, body, and spirit by allowing time to process any recent life changes so that you can ease into the integration of the next level of transformation.

Stage 4—REINVENT. Reinvent is another self-focused phase where you are making new choices that are in alignment with the self-realized vision in the first phase, Realize. It is the empty space that begs to be filled with new choices, behaviors, and habits that are purposeful and productive.

Stage 5—RESURRECT. Resurrect is when you begin to rise above the obstacles that have held you back in the past; you begin to flow with life and listen to your inner voice for guidance rather than depend on past beliefs. You begin to see life differently and feel a calling to “pay forward” your learned lessons and share your newfound wisdom with others. Your desire to make a difference in the world begins to grow as you find ways to enlighten others with your insights. You are living in a higher state of awareness and enlightenment.

Stage 6—RESPOND. Respond is the stage when you begin asking, “What can I do? How can I contribute to making a positive impact in my life and ultimately in the world?” For starters, set a firm intention to become a better leader, a stronger communicator, and an exemplary role model for others, especially our younger generations.

If there is one thing we know from living life, it is that change will happen. Embrace life as an ongoing process of transformation and retain a healthy curiosity about each outcome. These stages are simply a way for personal development to become more sustainable in an ever-changing world. It is your prescription for a healthy, fulfilled, and dedicated life.

Angel Carlton is a former professional NBA cheerleader, an advocate for human spiritual intelligence and is the Founder of Power Up People! Inc., a professional training and leadership development organization. A seasoned public speaker with 20 years of expertise in life skills development, Angel has assisted in creating champions in business, youth and family arenas. Her experience has proven to make a positive impact in the lives of those she has worked with, as well as inspiring worthwhile change in educational and corporate cultures. She lives in Dallas, Texas.

Dedicated to Destiny - A pursuit of personal growth, prosperity & purpose

by Angel Carlton


The six stages of transformation are Realize, Release, Rebound, Reinvent, Resurrect and Respond. Awareness of these stages allows readers to understand where they have been, where they are now, and where they are heading. The six stages provide a fresh outlook on life while helping clear the clutter that prevents many people from achieving greatness.


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