Marilyn Horowitz

Marilyn Horowitz

Marilyn Horowitz is an award-winning author who has taught her trademarked storytelling method at New York University for twenty-five years. Her students have been nominated for Emmy Awards, won a Peabody Award and been produced by the major Hollywood studios.

Now sharing her storytelling secrets with a broader audience, Horowitz has written several books on the art of writing. Her most recent book, Word of the Day: Transform Your Writing in 15 Minutes a Day shares a journaling practice that demonstrates a new, easy way to create and sustain genuine happiness.

Shadows and Echoes, her latest book, co-authored with world-famous clairvoyant Martin Sherlock shares her three-year journey to enlightened self- awareness. Marilyn's first novel, The Book of Zev was published in 2016. Horowitz is a Reiki master and is certified in Dao Yin Yoga and Authentic Movement. She dances the Argentine Tango as often as possible.

Find her on LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram. Marilyn offers a free bi-weekly webinar. Readers can also sign up for her weekly newsletter filled with tips and tricks, and peruse her website for many additional free resources.

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