Julie Conrad

Julie Conrad

Julie Conrad is a retired social worker and Regulatory Inspector. Having studied for a BA(Hons) Social Science degree and CQSW, social work qualification on a four year course in the early 1980s at Middlesex University, she worked as a Social Worker in a number of London Boroughs before moving back to the North West where for the last eight years of her career she was a Regulatory Inspector. Julie was also a Practice Teacher training student Social Workers and a specialist mental health social worker who studied the Approved Social worker course.
At the age of eighteen years she joined a gym and forty plus years on still go almost daily.
At the start of lock down Julie decided to complete a novel she had drafted thirty years ago entitled High Places. She self published High Places and found the book was very well received, and a small, devoted readership evolved. These readers wanted to know what became of the main character Magda. So, Julie wrote Justice.
Within three years Julie has written and self published six novels all available at Amazon and bookstores to order.
Julie tells us she becomes lost in the magic of writing, never knowing where her characters will lead her. Ordinary people experience extraordinary occurrences in their lives and Julie wants to share this with you. Julie is a story teller, so sit back and enjoy a journey into another, exciting world.

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