Near Death Experiences and Sacred Scripture

Near Death Experiences and Sacred Scripture

This book reveals the striking similarity in messaging from over 500 near-death experience accounts — including accounts contained in the sacred scriptures of twelve world religions.

Near Death Experiences and Sacred Scripture

This book reveals the striking similarity in messaging from over 500 near-death experience accounts — including accounts contained in the sacred scriptures of twelve world religions.

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Aug 30, 2024

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Douglas Charles Hodgson
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Afterlife & reincarnation, Comparative religion, Near-death experience


Near-Death Experiences and Sacred Scripture: The Parallel Messaging examines striking similarities and parallels between messaging found in accounts of those who have written about their near-death experiences and in accounts contained in the sacred scriptures of the world's great religions. This symmetrical and mutually reinforcing messaging is timeless in nature, and is arguably more relevant today than in any previous period in human history, as humanity continues to face existential threats to its survival. In an era of rampant materialism and consumerism, armed conflict, environmental degradation, species extinction, global warming, as well as an obsessive preoccupation with self rather than others and a devaluation of the life's sanctity. It's timely to spark a revived interest in, and knowledge of, God and the afterlife, and in seeking answers to life's larger religious, spiritual, philosophical and metaphysical questions. This book will provide assurance and solace to those who are terminally ill or fear the death of their physical body, for those who are suffering a difficult bereavement, and for those who feel lost and confused about the meaning and purpose of life and what lies ahead of them.

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