Behind the Veil
There is more to the universe than you know. I have seen it. I have experienced it.
There is more to the universe than you know. I have seen it. I have experienced it.
There is more to the universe than you know. I have seen it. I have experienced it.
Angels & spirit guides, Inspiration & personal growth, Unexplained phenomena
Successful businessman Tim Malone found himself spiraling into the depths of an opioid addiction that lasted seven years. He had built a staffing empire valued at over $400 million, yet behind this facade of success, Tim’s personal life was unraveling. Entwined in a failing marriage and burdened by the pressure of maintaining his business, Tim turned to opioids to numb his pain. His descent into addiction led to an unexpected romance with Denise, a relationship that ultimately provided him with a second chance at love and happiness. However, it was the unforeseen arrival of Boo Boo, a dog Tim never knew he wanted, that catalyzed his journey to redemption.
Boo Boo's unconditional love helped Tim confront his demons and rebuild his life. The story reaches a poignant turning point with Boo Boo's death, an event that not only plunged Tim into profound grief but also opened doors to a new spiritual dimension. Through his experiences with orbs, spirit guides, angels, and so many other mystical entities, Tim found a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to the universe, and to Boo Boo.
Behind the Veil is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of love. It offers both hope and encouragement to those struggling with addiction, and Tim's story is a beacon of light for anyone who has faced rock bottom. This book also provides an inspirational and sweeping foundation of knowledge for those seeking a deeper understanding of the spiritual realm.
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Behind the Veil takes the reader on a journey of life choices; some good, some bad, but all of which lead to enlightenment. The early chapters detail the decisions Tim Malone initially wished he did not make. However, he ultimately realizes that those choices led him to experience unconditional love from a special dog named Boo Boo. This unexpected relationship helped Tim find his way back into the light of life. Behind the Veil then takes the reader from the moment Tim begins his spiritual journey to all that he has encountered and learned about spirit guides, angels, orbs, the afterlife and so much more. I loved how Tim recorded his journey for the reader. It is a spell-binding book that will captivate any reader, no matter what stage of their own personal journey they are at. Plus, there are so many tips, suggestions and advice that we can all benefit from. An enlightening read! ~ Kathy Crosswell, author
Tim Malone takes us on a deeply personal journey in “Behind the Veil,” from his stumble into the darkness of opioid addiction to the heights of spiritual awakening. His journey is one of discovery, sparked by his dog Boo Boo, reminding us that spiritual growth can begin in the most unexpected ways. This deeply personal account, filled with profound insights on meditation, manifestation, and connecting with spirit guides, serves as both a memoir and a guidebook for those seeking their own path to enlightenment. ~ Jake Zortman, Producer, director, cinematographer and author of The Rise of the Legends.
This book has many layers - an introspective personal journey, the healing power of LOVE, and an opening to realms beyond this physical level. A great read! ~ Miriam Goldstein, Minister in The Church of The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness
A delightful, touching account of a profound redemption, of a journey into and out of the devastating world of opioids. Malone’s journey is inspiring. He demonstrates not only how easily we can fall, but also gives immense hope to those who seek to emerge from the depths - Malone doesn’t just try to return to the good life of once a time ago. He pushes far further, grappling with the heights of human purpose, consciousness and existence. ~ SAQIB QURESHI, Ph.D., author of Reconstructing Strategy, The Broken Contract, and Being Muslim Today