Pagan Portals - Feminist Witchcraft

Pagan Portals - Feminist Witchcraft

An introduction to feminist witchcraft - what it is, what it's not, and how it's different from other crafts.

Pagan Portals - Feminist Witchcraft

An introduction to feminist witchcraft - what it is, what it's not, and how it's different from other crafts.

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Jun 24, 2025

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Jun 24, 2025

Susan Harper
More books

Magick studies, Paganism & neo-paganism, Witchcraft


Are you seeking a spiritual path that blends your love of the Earth, your yearning for magick, and your commitment to justice? Are you curious to know how collective power can change not only ourselves but also our world? Do you want to heal the damage that patriarchy does and then step into your power? Feminist Witchcraft is waiting for you. Across history, witchcraft has been about power - and our world needs empowered people more than ever. This book is here to guide your journey towards a more embodied, politically informed, authentic life. Tapping into our personal and communal power is transformational - both in caring for ourselves and each other and in using our collective will to create a more just and equitable world for all.

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