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Moon Books Duets - Rhiannon & Blodeuwedd

Moon Books Duets - Rhiannon & Blodeuwedd

The Divine Queen of the Celtic Britons and the Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty

Moon Books Duets - Rhiannon & Blodeuwedd

The Divine Queen of the Celtic Britons and the Welsh Goddess of Seasonal Sovereignty

Hardcover £16.99 || $24.95

Feb 25, 2025

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Feb 25, 2025

Jhenah Telyndru
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Celtic spirituality, Goddess worship, Paganism & neo-paganism


Moon Books Duets are a celebration of ten years of the unique Pagan Portals series and a recognition of some of our finest and most popular authors. Presented as a hardcover collector’s edition, Duets encompass two of the best-selling Pagan Portals titles under one cover. In this edition you will find Rhiannon and Blodeuwedd by Jhenah Telyndru.

Rhiannon … An exploration of Rhiannon that remembers her history, reclaims her divinity, and renews a pathway into relationship with this Welsh Goddess of Sovereignty.

Blodeuwedd … A reclamation of the true nature of Blodeuwedd, a widely misunderstood Welsh Goddess whose myth holds deep wisdom and powerful lessons for the modern-day seeker.

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