Daniela I. Norris

Daniela I. Norris

Daniela I. Norris is a former diplomat, turned political writer, and with age and wisdom - inspirational author and speaker. Her award-winning stories, articles and essays have been published in numerous magazines and anthologies.
Published books:
- Crossing Qalandiya - Exchanges Across the Israeli Palestinian Divide (Reprtage Press, 2010) - co-authored with Shireen Anabtawi
- On Dragonfly Wings - a skeptic's journey to mediumship (Axis Mundi Books, 2014)
- Collecting Feathers: tales from the Other Side (Soul Rocks Books, 2014)
- Recognitions (Roundfire Books, 2016)
- Premonitions (Roundfire Books, 2019)
- From Last to First (Liberalis, 2020) - co-authored with Jon Salfield
-The King of Montréal (Lodestone Books, 2025)

Daniela lives with her family in Montreal, Canada, where she enjoys sub-zero temperatures in the winter and Poutine, a Quebec speciality, year-round. She is on the jury of several Canadian literary awards and a founding member and panelist with the International Grief Council (www.internationalgriefcouncil.org) and Inspired Writing Retreat (www.inspiredwritingretreat.org)

Daniela is very active in the international writing community and is a member of the Society of Women Writers and Journalists (UK), The Society of Authors (UK), the Canadian Writers' Union and the Quebec Writers Federation. She is also a Goodwill Ambassador for the UK charity Children of Peace https://www.childrenofpeace.org.uk/

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