In Pursuit of the Inconceivable

In Pursuit of the Inconceivable

A comprehensive explanation of the relationship between formal scholastic metaphysics and the philosophical foundation of mysticism and the Perennial philosophy.

In Pursuit of the Inconceivable

A comprehensive explanation of the relationship between formal scholastic metaphysics and the philosophical foundation of mysticism and the Perennial philosophy.

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Sep 30, 2025

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Sep 30, 2025

Peter Guy Jones
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Metaphysics, Mind & body, Mysticism


In Pursuit of the Inconceivable is a compelling exploration of fundamental questions about existence, reality, and the meaning of life that challenges the traditional scepticism of Western thought. It presents evidence for a systematic, comprehensive, and fundamental world-theory, and places the reader in a position to judge its merits and plausibility for themselves.

Peter G. Jones explains the ongoing failure of Western philosophers to comprehend metaphysics as a consequence of not engaging with the only world-theory that survives analysis, the one endorsed by the writers of the Indian Upanishads, the Buddha, Lao Tzu, Meister Eckhart and, many would say, Jesus and Muhammad. The findings of philosophers in the Western analytical ‘rational’ tradition are compared with the teachings of the Perennial tradition and shown to be in complete harmony. In Pursuit of the Inconceivable presents a philosophical explanation of mysticism, an apology for Abrahamic religion, a solution for all metaphysical problems, and an appeal for a significant change of attitude in the academic and scientific communities.

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