No Paradise with Wolves

No Paradise with Wolves

Understanding the wolf and rewilding a home: one couple's journey to coexist with nature in Northern Spain.

No Paradise with Wolves

Understanding the wolf and rewilding a home: one couple's journey to coexist with nature in Northern Spain.

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Nov 25, 2025

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Nov 25, 2025

Katie Stacey
More books

Ecosystems & habitats (general), Endangered species, Environmental conservation & protection


In 2018, Katie and her boyfriend, Luke, moved to Asturias, Northern Spain, in search of a home. As conservation storytellers, they were drawn to the story of the Iberian wolf - a much-maligned creature facing relentless persecution right on their doorstep. But as they delved deeper, they discovered that the story was far more complex than they had imagined. While searching, they found a dilapidated old dairy farm, which they purchased with a vision to rewild its surrounding land. They named their new home Wild Finca and soon realized that promoting coexistence with wolves - and all wildlife - wasn’t about exposing the darker aspects of the relationship but about proving that living alongside wildlife was truly possible by doing it themselves.

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