Scarlett's sixteen, she has her fair share of problems, but she's totally freaked out when she discovers she's growing wings.
When a solar storm throws the world into chaos, teenager Jim is forced to step up to survive in the wilds of Alaska.
As William journeys through his own mind, revelations are made, relationships are broken and restored, and a faith that once seemed extinct is rediscovered and renewed.
Author James Hartley Books​ breaks down the snobbery surrounding this great historical figure to reveal that William, a young boy from Stratford-Upon-Avon, was much more a man of the people than his portrayal today might suggest.
Despite the predictions that eBooks were going to kill physical books, thanks to bookie people on the likes of Instagram and YouTube, recent reports state that physical book sales are rising once again. However, eBooks are here to stay, and Lodestone author Steve Conoboy tells us why he's glad.
Whether it's nostalgia for their youth or trying to make sense of that rich period of their lives, 55% of YA readers are actually adults.