Paranormal Perspectives: Portraits of Alien Encounters Revisited
UFOs and unexplained phenomena in Northern England.
UFOs and unexplained phenomena in Northern England.
UFOs and unexplained phenomena in Northern England.
Supernatural, Ufos & extraterrestrials, Unexplained phenomena
Flying Saucers, Unidentified Flying Objects, Unidentified Anomalous Objects, Foo Fighters, Ghost Rockets, Phantom Airships, Chariots of the Gods - whatever you call them - strange things have haunted our skies since the dawn of time.
Are they invaders from outer space as imagined in Hollywood movies? Are they the product of psychological, sociological, and cultural factors? Are they non-terrestrial intelligences who are intimately linked to humanity?
Instead of wrestling with theories and speculation, Nigel Watson speaks directly with ‘ordinary’ people in the United Kingdom who have reported seeing UFOs and a wide range of startling associated phenomena, that in the past were considered by UFO investigators as too far-fetched or ‘crazy.’
His decades-long research shows how UFO encounters can often escalate from simple sightings of lights in the sky to sightings of alien entities, robots, men in black, and angelic beings. UFO witnesses and experiencers can also be plagued by a life-changing poltergeist or other ghostly experiences, telepathic messages, alien communications, strange coincidences, visions of the future, and abductions.
Many of the stories might seem like science fiction or the very stuff of nightmares, yet they are told by people of different age groups, social backgrounds, and locations.
Whatever the answer, if there is any one answer, this is a fascinating look at how UFO experiences have evolved in the UK and reflect similar worldwide changes in our relationship with the unknown.
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A review of Captured by Aliens? Although his conclusions support the view that the abduction phenomenon, and indeed a large part of the entire UFO story, is of psycho-social origin, this is without the hard-line dogmatism that mars much of the ‘skeptical’ writing on the topic. He is careful to note that there are many instances where we have to simply admit that we do not know. In his review used as a forward for this volume, Peter Rogerson wrote “… it might well be regarded as the book on the Magonia position on such subjects, but for some readers this will be a new and challenging interpretation”. I can only conclude this review as Peter did his: “This is an important book and one which I recommend”. ~ John Rimmer, Magonia website
This is a fascinating book by Nigel Watson which has been well researched and presented. It explains the history of UFO sightings with lots of facts and photographs. The thing I like is that it is balanced, for example, it covers the faking and misidentification of UFOs as well as credible sightings. There is also speculation about the possible propulsion of UFOs etc. In addition, it contains a section devoted to UFO making a UFO report etc. There's very comprehensive coverage of a challenging and fascinating subject - I cannot think how anyone with an interest in the subject would not find this a worthy addition to their bookshelf. ~ Nimbus, Amazon review
A review of Captured by Aliens?: Some might regard a 'history and analysis of American [alien] abduction claims' as more science fiction than science fact, but Nigel Watson makes a reasonable case that either the abductions are real - in which case we're talking astrobiology - or they are in the minds and imaginations of the alleged abductees, in which case it's an interesting psychological phenomenon. As someone who really enjoyed the X-Files, it was fascinating to see how much of that TV show appears to have been based on 'real' claims. Far and above my favourite show was a season three episode called José Chung's "From Outer Space". Not only is it extremely funny, it explores well the multiple layers of how incidents can be seen from different viewpoints in totally different and entirely contradictory ways - and this seems absolutely typical of the experts that Watson calls on (some believers, others sceptics) in looking at how abductions have been handled. ~ Brian Clegg, Amazon Review
Nigel is a well read and informative ufologist. I have great respect for him. ~ Clas Svahn, Swedish Ufologist
If [you] don't know Nigel, [you] probably don't know much about British UFOlogy or Ufology in general. He is a legend. I mean, do these people [who claim to not know Nigel Watson] not read Fortean Times? Never seen the Haynes UFO manual? UFOs of the First World War? Or any of his many many articles and publications going back decades? ~ Jeff Knox