Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension?

Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension?

Career diplomat and experimenter Dr Anabela Cardoso covers the latest research into instrumental transcommunication ITC and electronic voice phenomena EVP.

Electronic Voices: Contact with Another Dimension?

Career diplomat and experimenter Dr Anabela Cardoso covers the latest research into instrumental transcommunication ITC and electronic voice phenomena EVP.

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Sep 24, 2010

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This is the story of a normal woman who experienced the impossible: objective contacts with another dimension through loud and clear voices received by electronic means during Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) experiments. Dr Cardoso, a senior diplomat, describes the astounding experiences that transformed her life since she started ITC research in 1997. She presents extracts of conversations with her deceased loved ones and other personalities who insisted that they live in another world. The level of agreement between communications received by the author and concepts, even words, recorded by other experimenters from Jurgenson and Raudive to contemporary operators, constitutes compelling evidence of the reality of the next world that awaits us all. As communicators from Timestream told Dr Cardoso: The dead pass through here, you pass through here!. Electronic Voices breaks new ground in the literature providing details of audio contacts, recorded under controlled conditions, with beings in an evolved dimension, which they describe as another space, beyond time. This evolved dimension of life corresponds to an evolved state of consciousness in the cosmic evolutionary sequence.

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