Nigel Harry Watson

Nigel Harry Watson

Nigel Watson has researched and investigated historical and contemporary reports of UFO sightings since the 1970s.

He writes a monthly column “Saucers of the Damned” about UFOs for Fortean Times and regularly writes book reviews for the pelicanist blogspot. He has regularly contributed to Magonia, All About Space, Starburst, Aquila, History Today, Fate, Flying Saucer Review, UFO Brigantia, Northern UFO News, The Unexplained, Paranormal Magazine, UFO Magazine and Outer Limits Magazine. He has contributed to the Darklore anthology series and to several books edited by the late Timothy Green Beckley. For The Reliability of UFO Witness Testimony, edited by V.J. Ballester-Olmos and Richard W. Heiden, (UPIAR Publisher, Italy, 2023) he contributed a chapter on the Betty and Barney Hill abduction case, available at:

He has a degree in film and literature from the University of Warwick and a degree in psychology from the Open University.

Nigel worked as a copywriter in London and now lives in Plymouth, UK.

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